Florida painters near your area


We only use the best materials by leading manufacturers and always work on schedule and with careful attention to detail. We work with you to ensure we provide the right solution at the right price, whether for your private home or for your business.

House & companies painting

Our highly-skilled, experienced painters specialize in everything you need for your next interior painting project, including room painting, staining, wall repair, ceiling repair, wallpaper removal, and more.

Our master craftsmen take the time to meet with each client to decide the exact colors, textures, and types of paint that will transform your decorating vision into reality.

House remodeling

I know what you're thinking, I've been there 100 times before. You're thinking, there's just no way I can get this wall to look like it's a fresh and modern! But, don't worry, that's not the case at all!

From making old paneling look like drywall to repair damage that has been lingering for years, AJC Construction LLC can make any wall look like a show case

Pressure washing

Always trust professionals for pressure washing to ensure the job is done safely and effectively. Our team is trained and equipped to handle even the toughest jobs.

Did you know? Pressure washing can remove up to 90% of mold and mildew from surfaces, making your home healthier and more beautiful. Discover the power of clean today!

Why Our Painting & Construction Services Is Better Than Others?

We protect the furniture in your property

We respect your spaces and take care of them as if they were a treasure, we prepare the areas protecting the furniture and other areas of the property. We are really meticulous!

Expert advice on color and remodeling

It is not always easy to choose the best options, especially when you do not have the necessary knowledge on the subject. We will advise you!

Safety and experience in painting and remodeling properties

More than 5 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers, we can carry out small projects or even large constructions

Painted wall

Exterior painting

Commercial painting

Prep for a paint

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